Kids Listening at School


Become a Manor Schoolhouse Foundation Annual Sponsor

Your sponsorship directly supports Manor ISD educators and students.

Founded in 2018, the Manor Schoolhouse Foundation partners with the Manor Independent School District and the community to enhance teaching and learning across the district’s 18 campuses. With the support of local individuals and businesses, we fund innovative practices and special initiatives. This includes classroom innovation grants, awards for educators who foster a culture of innovation, and support for district-wide programs like the summer STEM camp, which serves 160 students.

We aim to bridge the gap between what’s possible and what current funding allows. By supporting educators in realizing their most innovative and impactful ideas, we create more opportunities for students to thrive.

Why Support Manor ISD?

An investment in Manor ISD is an investment in the future of Central Texas. Manor ISD served nearly 10,000 students across 18 campuses as of the end of the 2023-2024 school year. We serve a vibrant and diverse student body, with 93% minority enrollment. Your support ensures that every student has every opportunity to succeed and that educators’ best and brightest ideas are supported when other funding sources are not available.

As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, your gift to the Manor Schoolhouse Foundation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Moreover, we would love to recognize and celebrate your support - ensuring the community knows that you or your business are a partner to our educators and a champion for our students.

Become a Sponsor

Please e-mail us at for our sponsorship levels and further details.

Thank you for strengthening our community and supporting local educators and students!